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We can not remain silent in Arakan

Mustafa Şimşek, the head of Health-Der Konya Branch, condemned the attack on 3,000 Muslim Arakanites killed by Buddhist gangs and unofficial figures as Health-Der.

In the statement made by Mustafa Şimşek, it is emphasized that the massacres of Myanmar continued by the Buddhist gangs, which have continued for many years and lasted for many years. Finally, over 3 thousand Arakanese Muslims were killed and Myanmarlı was forced to migrate to different countries. Saved by the massacres of Buddhist gangs, Saulli-Der expressed that the world of Islam and the international gathering were in the call to "take action, stop the massacre".

Mustafa Şimşek, Head of Health-Der Konya Branch; "Myanmar army and Buddhists began massacring civilian Rohingya / Arakanese Muslims following the attacks on Myanmar (Burma), north of Rakhayn Province, on the 25th of August, and as a result of the increasing and widespread attacks on the army and Buddhist priests, At least three thousand Muslims have been massacred in Arakan's various villages and more than 100 Muslims have been displaced in the day.Reports from the news show that the massacres became more violent than the attacks of 2012 and October last year and gradually turned into a genocide Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of Muslims face the danger of being killed because the border of Bangladesh is also closed.

The Buddhist Burmese government's persecution in Arakan has been continuing since 1942. The Arakanites, who are humiliated, troubled, and peasanted every day, are among the most oppressed peoples of this age according to the UN. Islamic schools to remove Muslim Arakan people from their Islamic roots have been abolished and Buddhist curriculum has begun to be implemented. The use of the headscarf and the ban on sacrifice are forbidden.

The use of Buddhist names instead of Islamic names and the replacement of the letters of the Qur'an with the letters of Burma were made compulsory, "he said. President Shimşek continued: "The silence of the UN and other international organizations towards the persecution of Muslims increases existing persecution and invites new persecutions. However, we should add immediately that another partner of this oppression is the world of Islam, which chooses to play three monkeys instead of raising the voice in response to the oppression applied to its own nation and creating a solution.

It is the Islamic world which is not only a spectator but also a subject in many places. it must be known that it is not possible to produce a solution with an approach. The main problem is the disorganization and the sinner of the Islamic world. It should not be forgotten that "persecution is persecution." We, as Health-Der, condemn the Myanmar government and every institution and country that remain silent. We cry once again that we are with our brotherly brothers. We are calling for serious steps in humanitarian aid and diplomacy for the Arakan, and we are announcing to all the public, concerned and competent that we are ready to fulfill our responsibilities. "

Konya Branch President
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